El Dorado High School

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"Masquerade Ball" El Dorado Winter Formal

Masquerade Ball (no mask required)
EDHS Winter Formal featuring DJ N'Effect
January 20th
At the Yost Theater
307 N. Spurgeon St.
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Tickets on sale now at the EDHS Finance Office
Jan. 8-12 $60 w/asb $65 w/o asb
Jan. 16-19 $65 w/asb $70 w/o asb
The Yost Theater is newly renovated and is a beautiful venue that is ready to host our Golden Hawks. Music will be done by the wildly popular DJ N'Effect and there will be photo opportunities and more for students looking to relax during the dance.
If you're bringing a guest, please be sure to complete the required guest pass before the due date of January 18. All guest passes must be signed by Assistant Principal Mrs. Madrigal.